Pest Control
Are You Bugged?
While we love our access to the great outdoor surrounding that our log cabins and homes have, we often have to deal with the occasional pest and bugs. Schroeder Log Home Supply, Inc. offers several options for controlling and preventing the presence of pests in your home. Our Borate Wood Preservative helps to protect the wood and block the entrance of carpenter ants, bees, wood beetles, and other wood boring insects. For nuisance pests like cluster flies and ladybugs, we have treatments for them as well.
Not only do we want to control pests in your home, but we want to provide solutions that preserve the integrity of your wood. This is why we offer the Log Home Maintenance Guide to inform customers about the unique maintenance issues faced by log home owners. Schroeder Log Home Supply, Inc. is dedicated to supplying expert maintenance and application information when it comes to log homes and cabins.
Our customers trust us to provide them with quality information and even more quality products. These selections of Log home bug prevention is trusted by our customers to provide protection and secure integrity of the cabin or home. Take some time to browse the categories below and don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.